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What Can I Do To Support Prop. 138?

There are numerous ways you can support Prop. 138, from donating to the campaign to doing interviews and sharing on social media.  Now is the time for tipped workers to unite to save tipping!

Donate to the Campaign 

Our messaging to voters is key to getting Prop. 138 passed and protecting the tip credit. Voters not in the industry have a hard time understanding the tipping and tip credit system.  We need your help to get that messaging to the public. Please protect your tips by tipping us and donating to the Save Our Tips AZ PAC. Both personal and corporate donations are welcome.

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Become a Tipped Worker Advocate

Our campaign will depend on tipped workers carrying the message to voters, influencers, and the media. We need tipped workers who are willing to engage with the press through interviews, writing op-eds, and participating in events open to the press.  All of the tipped worker Advocates are offered media training and support.  Please consider adding your voice to the conversation. 

Spread the Word!

Most voters don't understand the current tipping structure - this likely includes your friends and family that aren't in the industry.  Your co-workers may not know about Prop. 138 yet or don't understand the purpose.  Your voice is key to getting Prop. 138 passed. Make sure you share these facts with them:

  1. Prop. 138 gives the current tipping system and tip credit constitutional protections so they can't be taken away.

  2. Prop. 138 increases the guaranteed pay for tipped workers like me by $2 per hour.

  3. Prop. 138 protects tipped workers income without the imposition of service charges on customers.

Support Group
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Tell Your Story!

Why is protecting the current tipping system important to you?  Why do you like working in the hospitality industry? How does tipping impact your life?  These are messages the voters need to hear!  Please, share your story today

Get Involved!

I want to support Prop. 138!

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